you can trust

Our expertise

  • What we do

    We help individuals come together as a group to bring a single claim for wrongdoing that has impacted each of them. We ensure that group has the best chance of success by providing excellent legal representation.

    Our experience

    • Acting for investors in a fraudulent investment scheme, Ross Asset Management, in a litigation-funded proceeding against the bank used by the scheme.
    • Acting for investors in a litigation-funded proceeding against the directors and officers of CBL Corporation following its collapse.
    • Acting for investors in Intueri Education Group Limited in a litigation-funded proceeding against its directors, and against its parent company and its directors, following Intueri’s collapse.
    • Acting for patients in a claim against the manufacturer for faulty hip implants.
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  • What we do

    We act for companies and their directors, officers, and employees in complex and urgent commercial disputes across a wide range of industries.

    Our experience

    • Advising overseas and New Zealand companies on cross-border issues including freezing orders, jurisdiction, and enforcement of civil judgments.
    • Acting for a New Zealand company to resist a subpoena issued by the Federal Court of Australia, including appearing in Australia, under the Trans-Tasman regime.
    • Acting for an Australian company to enforce contractual rights against a New Zealand counterparty.
    • Acting for overseas private equity funds in respect of commercial and property disputes.
  • What we do

    We advise on compliance with the Commerce Act 1986 and act in proceedings relating to all aspects of its application.

    Our experience

    • Acting for the Commerce Commission in the appeals against its decision to decline the merger of NZME and Fairfax media companies.
    • Acting for the Commerce Commission in respect of cartel enforcement, including in the freight forwarding, air cargo, horse transport, and taxi industries.
    • Acting for the Commerce Commission in respect of covenants that contravened section 28 of the Commerce Act.
    • Acting for the Commerce Commission in respect of acquisitions that contravened section 47 of the Commerce Act.
    • Acting for the Commerce Commission in a price fixing claim for an agreement between competitors not to bid on each other’s brand names on Google Ads.
    • Advising the Commerce Commission in respect of its determination of input methodologies for the regulation of fibre services.
    • Acting for Crown entity Kāinga Ora-Homes and Communities to defend allegations of misuse of market power.
    • Acting in proceedings brought by the Commerce Commission and various retailers in respect of credit card interchange fees.
  • What we do

    We advise on compliance with the Fair Trading Act 1986 and Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003. We assist regulators and consumers to investigate and enforce consumer protection breaches.

    Our experience

    • Acting for the Commerce Commission in civil and criminal proceedings against energy companies, finance companies, product manufacturers, and telecommunications companies for breaches of the Fair Trading Act.
    • Acting for the Commerce Commission in civil and criminal proceedings against finance companies and mobile traders for breaches of the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act.
  • What we do

    We advise on public powers, government and legislative processes including law reform, and issues of statutory interpretation. We help organisations and individuals to make good decisions, and defend them, and assist clients to hold accountable those who do not comply with their public law obligations. We also advise on the implications of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/the Treaty of Waitangi and the role of tikanga as part of the law of Aotearoa New Zealand.

    Our experience

    • Acting for government and non-government clients as plaintiffs and defendants in judicial review and other public law proceedings, including a successful judicial review of a decision made by the Minister of Energy and Resources and proceedings seeking declarations as to customary rights.
    • Advising various government organisations, independent entities, companies and individuals on public powers, including information requests, and policy and legislative processes.
    • Advice and representation in relation to the implications of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/the Treaty, Treaty settlements and tikanga for statutory obligations and processes, and the common law, including acting in proceedings involving declarations of customary rights.
    • Amicus curiae for the High Court in proceedings in respect of the jurisdiction of the District Court and Family Court.
  • What we do

    We act for regulators and investors in high profile and complex commercial matters.

    Our experience

    • Acting for the Securities Commission and Financial Markets Authority to seek injunctive relief and pecuniary penalties for misleading and deceptive conduct.
    • Acting for the Takeovers Panel in respect of section 32 meetings and proceedings to enforce the Takeovers Code.
    • Class action on behalf of CBL shareholders for IPO and continuous disclosure breaches.
    • Class action on behalf of Intueri shareholders for IPO and continuous disclosure breaches.
    • Acting for shareholders to seek injunctive relief and orders under section 174 of the Companies Act.
  • What we do

    We assist regulators to maximise the reach of their enforcement tools and provide legal support to government inquiries. We also advise clients on coronial and other inquiries.

    Our experience

    • Counsel assisting the Havelock North Water Inquiry.
    • Counsel assisting the Government Inquiry into the Appointment Process for a Deputy Commissioner of Police.
    • Conducting investigations on behalf of clients including into the leaking of a confidential government Cabinet paper.